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A search for 'Truth Or Dare' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
1036 matches in tracks
  1. or:green'>Truth Or Dare (04:23)
    from XXX
  2. or:green'>Truth or Dare (00:15)
    from Euphoria
  3. or:green'>Truth or Dare (03:40)
    from Truth Or Dare
  4. or:green'>Truth or Dare (02:14)
    from Hyde's Secret Nightmare
  5. You're quite funny when you dare to tell the or:green'>Truth (01:39)
    from Domaine
  6. or:green'>Truth or (Triple Dog) Dare! (02:17)
    from Christmas Story, A
  7. or:green'>Truth or Dare (04:22)
    from XXX
    performed by N. E. R. D., Kelis and Pusha T
  8. The X-Files (Season 9) - The or:green'>Truth, Part 2: The or:green'>Truth Is Inside (02:59)
    from X Files, The
  9. Russia Deserves the or:green'>Truth (05:55)
    from Vierte Macht, Die
    Suite: Security Check • Paul's Getaway • Russia Deserves the or:green'>Truth
  10. Dare (02:32)
    from War, The
  11. I Dare You (01:50)
    from Mickey & Judy: The Judy Garland & Mickey Rooney Collection
  12. I Dare You (01:50)
    from Babes In Arms
  13. I Dare You (01:50)
    from Strike Up The Band
  14. I Dare You (01:50)
    from Babes On Broadway
  15. I Dare You (01:50)
    from Girl Crazy
  16. Who is Dare? (01:20)
    from Nothing To Lose
  17. The Dare (02:44)
    from Christmas Miracle Of Jonathan Toomey, The
  18. It's Yours If You Dare (00:28)
    from Olsen Banden Vol. 1
  19. Dare (02:32)
    from War, The
  20. The Island Where We Dare Not Go (03:10)
    from Gulliver's Travels
Show all 1036 matching tracks